After dozens of speakers, hundreds of attendees, and hundreds of thousands of online views, TEDxLangleyED is returning for our fourth annual conference at Chief Sepass Theatre on January 20, 2018. This year’s theme is The Power of Community, a concept that will be reflected in the talks of all of our speakers. An event like this cannot proceed without generous support from community members, organizations and businesses. Thank you so much for considering contributing financially or in-kind to the continued success of this community focused event.
TEDxLangleyED Sponsorhip Perks
We have created tiered sponsorship levels offering special perks to our most generous donors. These levels are determined by total value of goods, services, and cash sponsorship made available to TEDxLangleyED.
Dogwood (Under $500)
-Named on program;
-Named on intro and transition slides;
-Named on TEDxLangleyED website
Undergraduate ($501-$999)
-Logo on program;
-Logo on intro and transition slides;
-Logo on website.;
-Two complimentary tickets to TEDxLangleyED
Graduate ($1000-$1499)
-All of the undergraduate perks plus:
-Logo on TEDxLangleyED t-shirts;
-MC mentions sponsor during intro.
PhD ($1500+)
-All of the undergraduate and graduate perks plus:
-Larger logo size on t-shirts, website, program, slides;
-MC profiles business or organization on-stage during event.